According to Pearl Research, China's online gaming market is going to reach US$9.2 billion by 2014, up from around US$6.6 billion sometime last year which is around a 40% increase. Another proof to how well they are doing can be attributed to the fact that the top 5 gaming companies made a combined US$5.3 billion in revenues.
Pearl Research noted that microclient versions of games were growing in popularity. These would take shorter time to download and thus people would have more time to play the games rather than waiting for it to be downloaded and so on. Also another key growth for Mainland China was the web based games. This segment was expected to hit over US$1 billion in 2013, from US$800 million last year.
In the same research it was discovered that the wider digital games market for Asia-Pacific would more than double over the next four years to reach US$30.3 billion in 2016. More websites and domain names for Asia should be used to target these people!Source:
Image: LuMaxArt
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